Things to bring to a mortgage appointment

So that we can give you the best possible advice for your particular circumstances please bring with you the following,
Identification - Passports or Driving Licence
Proof of address - Bank Statement or utility bill showing your name and address dated within the last three months.
Proof of income - If employed - Last three months payslips, or 6 weeks if paid weekly, P60, last three years accounts, last three years SA302s and corresponding Tax Overviews, Tax credit letters/CSA letters for current year.
Details of all commitments - Credit Cards, Personal Loans, HP agreements, CSA/maintenance payments.
Last 3 months bank statements - Internet print offs are acceptable as long as they show name, address,Sort Code and Account number.
Last years mortgage statement - if you have any mortgages
Proof of deposit:- Bank statements, savings accounts, Letter from family regift, if not within equity or savings.
Credit file - this can be obtained from Experian, Equifax for a fee, or https://www.creditkarma.co.uk/ for free.
Income & expenditure form