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Things to bring to a mortgage appointment



                                                 So that we can give you the best possible advice for your particular circumstances please bring with you the following,



  • Identification - Passports or Driving Licence

  • Proof of address - Bank Statement or utility bill  showing your name and address dated within  the last three months.

  • Proof of income - If employed -  Last  three months payslips, or 6 weeks if paid weekly, P60, last three years accounts, last three years SA302s and corresponding Tax  Overviews, Tax credit letters/CSA letters for current year.

  • Details of all commitments - Credit Cards, Personal Loans, HP agreements,  CSA/maintenance payments.

  • Last 3 months bank statements - Internet print offs are acceptable as long as they show name, address,Sort Code and Account number.

  • Last years mortgage  statement - if you have any mortgages

  • Proof of deposit:- Bank statements, savings accounts, Letter from family regift, if not within equity or savings.

  • Credit file - this can be obtained from Experian, Equifax for a fee, or for free.

  • Income & expenditure form 

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For mortgages we normally charge a fee of £295. This is payable on offer of a mortgage. We can waive the Fee at our discretion. We will also be paid a Fee from the lender. The precise amount will depend on your circumstances.

The information given in this website does not contain all of the details you need to choose a mortgage. Make sure that you read the separate key facts illustration before you make a decision. The FCA does not regulate some forms of buy to let mortgages.

If you have a complaint or dispute with us, you are entitled to make a complaint. We have a complaints procedure that is available on request. If you wish to register a complaint, please contact us either in writing, by telephone or email. Please be assured we treat complaints seriously. For your protection if you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

AGM Financial Services Ltd is an appointed representative of PRIMIS Mortgage Network a trading name of Personal Touch Financial Services Ltd. Personal Touch Financial Services Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 

Registered address: 1 Marschal Court, Stirling, United Kingdom, FK7 7UY

Country of registration: Scotland & Registration number: SC573944

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